Psalm 121:1-2 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
[2] My help cometh from the Lord , which made heaven and earth.
I came across this illustration that was a blessing to me. A father and his young son went out to prepare the fields for planting. The day was hot and the work backbreaking. The father assigned the task of removing all the stones from the field to his son. If the stones weren’t removed then it would hinder the plowing up of the soil and impede the growth of the seed once planted. The father was very careful to explain to his son the importance of walking slowly as not to miss any stones that are sometimes hidden beneath the surface of the dirt. The boy worked tirelessly and finally after several hours he came to his father and told him that he had removed all the rocks but one. The one rock he could not move because it was too hard. The father prodded the son and said, you have not tried your hardest yet! The boy went away but came back a short while later, fully exhausted by then, and told his father that he had tried his hardest but he still could not move the rock. Once again the father told the son that he had not tried his hardest yet! Looking bewildered the young boy dropped his head and began to turn and walk away. The father stopped his son and said, “you have not tried your hardest until you have asked me for help.”
God is the giver of all good things. HIS gifts are holy and righteous and never without an intended glory to be received by HIM in due season. With God there is an abundance of provision and HE is able to supply even the greatest of needs. Our needs can never exhaust Heaven’s supply. When we come to own this truth in our own situations, a powerful thing happens; we no longer fear, we just trust the Lord in all things. Understanding that everything we need, God can supply is the baby step of faith that will allow us to do things for God we never thought were possible. Understanding the Lord can supply and depending upon HIM to do so is two different levels of faith. When we come to know this truth of God’s ability, there is an awakening of the heart to who God is. Choosing to believe that same truth in the hour of need is an awakening of dependency. The soul will have a choice when these needs arise in our life; will we remain independent and try to fix it ourselves or we can ask God for help.
How many times do we choose to struggle to fix our own problem when all we have to do is ask our Father for the help we need? We haven’t tried our hardest, until we’ve gone to the Lord. Praise the Lord, the good news is, HE wants us to come to HIM for help. The Lord wants to deliver you in whatever situation you find yourself in today. Why not let HIM remove the rock or the mountain that you face? You will be amazed at the fruit God will bring forth! HE is able to do the impossible!
Bro. Lawrence Longworth
Isaiah 61:1 “the opening of the prison to them that are bound;”