A Simple Thank-You
Psalm 147:7 Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God:
A few times over the last couple of weeks I have looked back and some of the old devotions. Looking back through my notes I noticed that this week makes 3 years that we’ve been putting them on our app. So I’d like to thank each of you that have read them, reached out to say you got help, and the encouraging words shared about them from time to time. God has truly helped me in taking the time to study for them and just spend time thinking and seeking what He’d have me to share here. That made me think back to if that’s something I’ve ever thanked God for. Just being thankful for Him showing me something each time and giving me the ability to write things down. When was the last time you thanked Him for something that you may have thought was just trivial. I had an incredible opportunity to play a very historic golf course this past week, and was sure to thank God multiple times for that. We are quick to thank Him for the meetings we’ve had and the thankful for those that have been saved during them all. Those things are easy to think about and be thankful for. Look at some of the things going on in this world. I’ve heard of multiple churches that have stopped services since starting back up due to sickness, but we’ve not had that happen. We hear of a change shortage, yet each week there seems to be plenty of change for our young people to collect. God is in control of everything. Therefore, there is nothing “little” in His eyes. Sometimes it would do us good to tell Him just how thankful we are for what we may consider the little things, or some of those things that we take for granted. How thankful are you today? We’ve heard it said and preached: What if you had today what you were thankful for yesterday?
God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson