Trust Him Regardless
Psalm 37:5 Commit thy way unto the Lord ; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Being a big golf fan I spent a little time watching the Presidents Cup the end of last week. This is a contest that places the best American players against 12 best players from the rest of the world. It lasts for four days and includes 30 matches that the winner is awarded a point or a half point to each if it ends in a tie. The U.S. team was a huge favorite. They were such a big favorite that it was even talked about could they win 15 1/2 points out of first 18 and win the Cup before the final day. However, on day 2 of the event they found themselves trailing in every match and they were looking at falling behind 9-1. They then turned some of those matches into wins and ties and was able to go into the final day of matches trailing by 2. While 2 don’t sound like much, no team had ever overcome a deficit in the final day to win. They then dominated the final day by winning 8 of the available 12 points to win the cup! After the cup was clinched, playing captain Tiger Woods was asked how the team was able to fight back and win. When his strategy and how he was handling the matchups were being questioned how was he able to stay the course. His response I believe is something we truly need to put into practice more often. He simply said, “ I just trusted my guys.” He just trusted that they were going to get done what needed to be done in order to win the cup.
How many times do we feel like our backs are against the wall? Maybe even times when we are trying to do something for God, only to have others question what we are doing. Best thing to do? Just trust God! There are times when we feel as if we are at the end of the rope so to speak. That’s the best time to just trust Him instead of making emotional decisions on our own that could have a negative impact on our life.
What about times when you are seeking Gods will for your life only to have others question what you are doing. We can allow their questioning to get into our minds and alter our decisions. Just trust God! He knows what’s best for us!
No matter what you face today or may be facing in the future, just trust Him! Even if you feel as is you have no where to turn or that everyone else is against you. You can never go wrong trusting God!
God bless you today!
Bro. Josh Richardson