Miss Enough And You Won’t Miss It
Hebrews 10:25
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
We’ve lived in the same house now for nearly 22 1/2 years! Anytime we’ve even remotely discussed moving I’ve said we’d have to get a moving company. There is no way I’d want to move everything we’ve accumulated through the years. We’ve accumulated plenty even though several times we’ve “cleaned out” things. You have those times you’ve gone to clean out things only to put things up because you still might use it. Then as it sits out of sight for awhile it becomes out of sight, out of mind, and it never gets used. Then a couple years later it gets moved around again. Doing those cleanups you tend to find a lot of things that when not used just become forgotten about.
There are plenty of reasons to not miss church but one of those things is that exact thing. Skip a few weeks and it can then become something that you just don’t miss it at all. We hear it all the time that our flesh isn’t saved. In the flesh it can be easy to think we can get the same thing out of livestream as well as get so much more done if we stay home. Think back to the pandemic when we live-streamed for a few weeks. How many people never returned because it just became easier to stay home? Some of those I’m sure were people who wouldn’t miss church for anything before the pandemic. We can sit and point fingers all we want, but it’s just by the grace of God we don’t end up there one day. All it takes is to lay out one week, then be sick a week, something else happen the following week. Before you know it you’ve not been in a month and you don’t miss it the way you did a few weeks ago. Then it becomes easy to miss church. That continual gathering can help build love in our hearts. That exhorting can help build our relationship with Christ. It’s that same exhortation and being around the saints of God that can help point us to doing what God would have us to do. If we venture away from that for a few weeks it can become easier to give in to fleshly things.
If we aren’t careful we will miss to the point we don’t miss it.
God bless you today!
Bro. Josh Richardson