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July 22 Devotion: Giving Thanks For All Things

Ron Little

Giving Thanks For All Things

Ephesians 5:20

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

We're living in a generation of people that think they deserve everything without working for anything. In Roman's 1.21 the Bible states that they were not thankful. First they did not glorify God nor brought him any honor, but when problems arise they are the first to blame God. What we need today is to give God thanks for all things not just the good things. The Bible says that all things work for the good to those that love the Lord. We seem to place more value on the material than the spiritual. The Bible says to give God thanks for all things. Being unthankful will cause you to be uncontent and dissatisfied with everything you have. We need to praise the Lord for all the love and mercy and grace that God bestows upon each and everyone of us. We need to thank God for all things our church, our families and friends. We should be thankful for each day God gives us. It is a personal blessing

God bless

Bro. Ron Little



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