Distracted Thoughts?
Psalm 139:23-24
[23] Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: [24] And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Have you ever tried to spend time with God in prayer only to have your mind overcome with thoughts completely opposite of God? It could be bad thoughts, distracting thoughts about what you need to do the next day, or what you will have for dinner that evening. We must choose to change our thoughts to focus back on our prayer time with God. We talk about these trigger mechanisms in the HOPE ministry. A trigger mechanism is just simply anything that can change our focus from one thing to another, even thoughts that cause our minds to drift onto other things that get us into trouble. That’s when we need to take control of our thinking, and get it turned back to God. It can be hard to avoid things that can get us in a wrong state of mind. A phone ringing, horn blaring, even a kid needing something are all tactics the devil will use to get us distracted. That’s when it’s important to pause, and remind yourself what you are doing at that point. When your mind starts to wander, begin to think again on God. Think more on what you are studying, or perhaps remind yourself what it was you are praying for. If that doesn’t work, then start to think on what God has done for you recently. Be purposeful!
The key in these times is to not give in to the thoughts that are trying to overtake our time spent with God. Get your focus turned back to God and continue whatever it was you started doing in the first place, because the devil would like nothing more than to see you give in to distractions, thus ruining your time spent with God.
God bless you today!
Bro. Josh Richardson