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May 23 Devotion: By Faith

Adrian Moore

Please read Hebrews 11.

As we look at this chapter, we see the repeating theme of “by faith.”

By faith we understand creation.

By faith Abel offered a proper sacrifice.

By Faith Enoch was translated.

By fait Noah built an ark.

By faith Abraham obeyed God.

By faith Sara conceived in her old age.

By faith Abraham offered Isaac.

By faith Isaac looked to the future of his family.

By faith Jacob when he was dying, worshipped.

By faith Joseph knew his people would be delivered.

By faith Moses was protected from the king.

By faith Moses stood with his own people.

By faith Moses believed God was more important than earthly treasures.

By faith Moses believed the Passover blood would be effectual.

By faith there was a clear path of dry land in the midst of the Red Sea.

By faith the walls of Jericho fell.

By faith Rahab did not perish.

By faith many withstood the trials and tribulations of life, believing that faith in God outweighed any obstacle or temptation to quit.

By faith kingdoms were subdued, righteousness was wrought, promises obtained, lion’s mouths were stopped, fire was quenched, safety was given, strength was obtained, victories were won, and the dead were raised.

By faith others were tortured while staying true to their convictions that God would ultimately bring them safely home.


The Bible says that the world was not worthy of these “by faith” people.


The question for us all this morning is, what are we doing by faith? How much do we trust God? What is our commitment to the Lord who delivered us from a certain future in hell? Where is our level of devotion and dedication to the one who paid it all on Calvary? Would we be willing to step up and join these “by faith” people and be counted as faithful for Jesus? Let us prayerfully consider where we stand this morning.

In Christ's Service,

Bro. Adrian Moore

2 Cor. 4:5


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