God’s Route
Proverbs 16:9 A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.
While on our summer vacation in Arizona this past year we made a hike up a short mountain. There was an easy to follow path that went all the way up the mountain. It was a path that had many people travel before us to show the route to take. It had smooth spots, and even a few rocky places in it, but it was easy to follow. However, at certain spots you could see openings through the rocks where you could try to make a shortcut. Some of the ground through those shortcuts might’ve looked smooth, but when you would walk through these areas you’d realize there was different obstacles now. Sharper rocks that could cut your ankles or legs because they hadn’t been traveled over and smoothed out. You’d find more vegetation off the path that could have snakes hidden it. Some times it may have even appeared to be a better route only to find it led you on a steeper trek.
How often do we do this with the path God has laid out for us? We are walking along, and maybe it’s all smooth sailing so we think we can handle venturing off on our own. We might have even hit one of those rough patches and all of a sudden the grass seems greener on the other side so to speak. We begin to second guess God, or just believe we can handle things on our own.
Are you staying on God’s path for your life today, or have you begun to venture out on your own?
God bless you today!
Bro. Josh Richardson