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Oct.18 Devotion: Is it your best?

Is It Your Best?

Luke 15:22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:

The familiar story here of the prodigal son. The son has now returned home and we see his father tell them to bring the best robe to put on him. We will give our best on the job, in our hobbies, etc. Do we give our best to God? When we set down to study are we putting forth our best effort or just going through the motions? When we get in our prayer closet are we trying to get hold of heaven or just giving God our grocery list of items we want? When you come into the sanctuary. Do you more often come in excited and ready to worship, or are you more apt to just go with things as usual? Think of the father in our text verse. This son had left, wasted all that he was given, and now shows back up. If you read the verses preceding our text you see the son tell his father that he has sinned and not worthy to be called his son. Yet his father still ran to him, kissed him, and wanted to put the best robe on him. That’s just like our Heavenly Father. God has never failed to give His best for us! He gave His Son for us, He meets our every need well beyond what we could ever imagine. Don’t go through the motions this week. Give God your best! He more than deserves it!

God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson


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