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Oct 20 Devotion:Falling In Love With God’s Word

Writer's picture: Immanuel Baptist ChurchImmanuel Baptist Church


Psalm 119:1-6 Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.

[2] Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.

[3] They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways.

[4] Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently.

[5] O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!

[6] Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments.

Psalm 119:94 [94] I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

[17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughlyfurnished unto all good works.

Every born again Christian that God has used mightily upon this earth have been students of God’s Word.If we are not filling our hearts and life with HIS truth then what will we have to pour out upon those who are need of it? It’s disturbing to see so many struggling to accomplish the work of God through earthly wisdom, and fleshly tactics. We ask God to bless us in our teaching, preaching, or ministry but it seems now more than ever, that God’s people lack the love and study of HIS Word. Today, the average church or ministry place their focus upon programs and or movements to help them succeed. My Christian friend, if we are to be successful and fruitful with what God has called us or asked us to do; we can NOT be fruitful apart from the diligent study of God’s Word. Paul instructs Timothy in our text that the Word of God has everything we need for Christian living. The Word of God is adequate and will perfect us, sustain us, and furnish us to do every good work. Our adequacy, and our equipping for every good work comes from Scripture. If we want the work of the Lord to prosper then the Word of God is the answer, not better programs, methodology or more talented willing members.

Faithful reading and study of the Word will produce in us a reverence and fear of God, an awareness of sin and a love to serve Jesus. It will grow us beyond anything we could ever imagine and in the process mold us into the very likeness of Jesus Who is the Word, Hallelujah! We cannot become more like Jesus if we do not become more like the Word. Throughout the pages of Scripture you will see the greatest promises from God are regarding HIS Word. The Lord watches over HIS Word to perform it, to accomplish HIS purposes as a Faithful Watchman over HIS children and the church. The Word reveals Who HE is, and who HE desires you to be and how to become a vessel of honor. We will NEVER become the Christian the Lord intends for us to be, never fulfill the plans HE has for us apart from the study of HIS Word. Until we become desperate to know the Word so we can know Jesus, we will cease to grow and will stay in a perpetual spiritual state of stagnation. When we stop growing in grace and faith, we are susceptible to become dry or complacent.

The more you read and study the Word of God, the more you will long for it, yearn for more of it. It will become to you like breathing; something you cannot live without once it has given you life. There is no substitute for diligent Bible study, none. You will find Jesus there, on every page, waiting and longing to meet with you and fellowship with you; teaching you HIS ways that you may know HIM. You will receive the fullness of God’s heart upon its sacred pages; HIS breath has been placed upon every word. HIS precious Words are life to your bones, strength to your soul, comfort for your pain, guidance for today and your hope for tomorrow. They will clothe you in confidence yet give you humility to serve others. You will be strong and courageous, full of faith and showing no fear before others. You will have no fear of the future or present circumstances because God’s Word has saturated your life and soul and you have learned to trust Jesus and HIS promises.

Bro. Lawrence Longworth Isaiah 61:1 “the opening of the prison to them that are bound;”



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