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Apr 22 Devotion: How to Pray

Daniel 2:14-23,46-49

Intro – Luke 18:1 – Lord teach us to pray.

I. Set aside a time for prayer – verse 16

  1. Daniel 6:10

  2. Psalm 55:17

II. Have a place to pray – verse 17

  1. Daniel 6:10 – open windows

III. Seek fellowship in prayer – verse 17

  1. Acts 12:5, Acts 4:23-31, Acts 1:13-14

IV. Be definite in prayer – verse 18

  1. James 4:2, Luke 11:2 – When ye pray

V. Watch your motive in prayer – verse 18

  1. I Kings 18:36-38,James 4:3

VI. Exercise Faith in prayer – verse 16,18

  1. James 1:5-7, James 5:16-18

VII. Receive the answer to prayer – verse 19-27

  1. Luke 18:1-8, Luke 11:11-13, Matt. 15:21-28

VIII. Expect a testimony toward others thru prayer – verses 46-99

  1. I Kings 18:38-39,Acts 16:25-34

-Bro. Mike Goodson

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