Things We Can Learn From Jonah 3
Jonah 3
God is a God of second chances. Jonah 3:1
God’s will doesn’t change because we rebel against it. (Remains the same)Jonah 3:2
God’s will is easier to respond to after God deals with us. Jonah 3:3-4
God’s will being done accomplishes great things. Jonah 3:5-6
God’s will being done will spread to others. Jonah 3:7-8
God’s will being done will bring us to the place we lay it all before God. Jonah 3:9
God’s will being done and accepted will cause God’s mercy to be expressed. Jonah 3:10
Close – Doing God’s will is so much better and more beneficial than rebelling against it.
-Bro. Mike