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Writer's pictureImmanuel Baptist Church

Aug 16 Devotion: The Comfort of God’s Word

Psalms 119:50 This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me. Today’s devotion is a simple, yet vital, truth to any saint that desires a victorious life for Christ. Afflictions can be wildly different depending upon who’s life you examine. However, the underlying purpose of affliction is the same: afflictions seemingly are meant to hinder us, but God means to use them for His glory. Thanks and praise be to God that He can take what the world meant for our harm and turn it to our betterment. He causes all things to work together for those that are in His will endeavoring to complete His business. Sometimes afflictions are permitted to enter our life by God for our strengthening. Other times to strengthen our faith. It may even be the case that through enduring hardness as a soldier of Jesus Christ we are able to shine a light into a life that otherwise would not have noticed. Where do we find all these comforts in our times of affliction? The very Word of God. The same Word which lead to our quickening at the time of salvation is the very Word that comforts us in times of hardness. God’s Word will remind you that you were once dead in sin, yet now are alive. Where once we groped in the darkness of the more of this world, now He has set us on the Solid Rock and has illuminated our path and steps with the light of His Word. It is the Word that preserves the promises of God to His children so that we may find comfort in them in our time of greatest weakness. Affliction should drive us to our knees and the Word. When such is the case, we are comforted with a peace that passeth all understanding and our joy is made full when we cling to the very words that God has preserved for 2000 years just so we could personally read them. When we forsake the Word in times of affliction we cause the plans of God to go awry. Instead of finding comfort from God we cast ourselves back into the isolation of broken fellowship with God. Your fellowservant in Christ, Bro. Jordan Foster


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