Things We Can Learn from Jonah (no.4)
Jonah 4
Sometimes the ways of God’s working displeases and angers us. Jonah 4:1
Sometimes we misunderstand the working of God with selfishness. Jonah 4:2
Note: I, me, my
Sometimes the ways of God causes us to pray the wrong prayer . Jonah 4:3
(illus.- Elijah (I Kings 19)
Sometimes even when we are angry with God He is still gracious to us. Jonah 4:14-16
Sometimes God works in our lives to show us just where we are and the way we are. Jonah 4:7-9
Sometimes God’s working is to show us the will of His way. Jonah 4: 10-11
Let us learn the lessons the dealings of God.
–Bro. Mike Goodson