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Writer's pictureImmanuel Baptist Church

Aug. 22: Knowing God’s Purpose

Text: Romans 8:28

Today we will look at one of the Lord’s precious promises in His Word. This verse in Romans was my mother’s life verse and one she held onto and lived by her entire Christian life until she went home to be with the Lord. It was through the hard times and times of doubt and dark days of my life that she reminded me over and over again, the power of this verse! She would look me square in the eye or call me on the phone and quote this verse and then there was nothing else I could say. I could not argue with God and His Word! It was through these trials of my life the Lord taught me to take HIM at His Word. Let’s take a closer look at the verse. Brother Paul said…and we know….how did Paul know??? Did he always know??? To know means to have knowledge of. Paul must have learned this knowledge through experience of the storms of life that he faced. Paul’s faith had been put to the test on many occasions, and he saw how the Lord brought him through it all. He saw the power of God move at every turn of his life, so now we see how the Lord leads Paul as he opens the verse with…and we know! Hallelujah! Paul knew because the Lord taught him! Paul then says…that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. When I read this verse, the words the Spirit of God brings off the page to me, are (them that love God) and (them who are the called). My Christian friend, we will never ever know God’s purpose if we do not fall in love with Jesus! Our life will never have meaning and we will never know God in HIS fullness, if we are not called out of our sin! When it is all said and done, it is OUR LOVE for Jesus that always makes the difference. In our life and in the lives of sinners, it is our love and devotion to Him. Here is the key, if we are saved and Born Again by HIS Spirit and HE lives inside of us, Jesus has called us unto Himself and called us out of this world! If we love the Lord Jesus Supremely that changes everything! To know his purpose, path and calling for our life is to KNOW HIM! When we love the Lord above everything else, HIS presence is sweet in our life, we feel His breath and tender mercy new each morning! We see Him and hear Him on every page of His Word, HE is real, HIS hand is real, His power is real and HE is so close there is no way that we could miss HIS leading, his instruction and purpose! What is God’s purpose and calling for you??? What would He have YOU do today and tomorrow, and in the days ahead, what is He saying to you? If you are not sure, just start by loving HIM more than anything else. Love HIM more each day and the world less. Your faith will begin to grow, the world and it’s charm will grow dim and you will start to see more clearly. Get in HIS Word more than ever and listen and look for His Unseen Hand to place you where He wants you to be! It is then you will know God’s purpose for your life. It is then you will know, as long as HIS hand is in yours, all things will

work out for your good, because HE is so good! May your walk with HIM be sweet today! Bro. Lawrence Longworth

Isaiah 61:1

“The opening of the prison to them that are bound;”


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