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Aug 8 Devotion: Entitled Christians

James 1:7 “For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”

The majority of lukewarm or backslider Christians only get serious (or vocal) about the things of God when they desire something from God. No where in the Bible will you find that God MUST answer the wishes of his children.

As Job said, the Lord gives and takes away. Nevertheless, blessed be the name of the Lord because he still is God. God didn’t have to send His Son to become the propitiation for our sins,  He did not have to draw us unto salvation with chords of loving kindness, He did not have to save us.

So why do so many think that if they ask, God MUST answer? Simply put, because they have no fear of God, no appreciation for His grace and they have never submitted to Him as Lord of their Life.

The Bible makes mention that no one can counsel God, no one can know His mind and His ways are above our ways. So therefore, we should never arrogantly now our heads and think that God will answer our prayers simply because I am the one asking for it.

Thus is the importance of praying in accordance with His will. Above all else, my desire should be to see His will manifest no matter the cost. I was reminded of the chorus to the song Sis. Caitlyn sings:

“What if your blessing comes through raindrops? What if your healing come through tears? What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you’re near?”

Never assume you will receive anything from the hand of God. But cast all your cares upon Him (for He careth for you), and seek His kingdom first. Then if God wills it, you will receive.

But if my desire is His Will to be done, even when we do not receive we are content because we understand that we are already blessed beyond measure.

Your fellowservant in Christ,

Bro. Jordan Foster


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