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Dec. 16 Devotion:The Kings Chamber


Psalm 5:1-3 Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation.

[2] Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.

[3] My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

Here in this great Psalm, David is looking for deliverance and direction from God. However, in (verse 7) David gets lost in the Lord’s presence and just begins to worship the King. Hallelujah! The King’s Chamber bids welcome any heir to the throne who are of the royal blood line for it is their birth right. No formal invitation is necessary and nothing is required to enter in. It is here that the highest privilege is afforded and the fullest measure of grace is poured out upon any child of the King.

In the King’s presence the earth’s glory grows ever dim as eternity slips into view. It is here with the King that nothing is hidden and our heart is laid bare, beheld by the eyes of the ONE who made it ALL and sees it ALL. HE sees us just as we are, and HE knows and understands our every emotion for HE is a King who was clothed in flesh yet adorned in Holy splendor. This is our place of quiet rest, our closet of peace and comfort. The stress of this world ceases here and the troubles of the heart are unearthed, and there is NO fear in HIS presence as we become stronger and settled at HIS feet.

Have you come into a wilderness? If so, The King’s chamber is your oasis. Are you in a dry and parched land? Drink freely from the fountain of living waters that flow from HIS Throne. If your path is uncertain, plant your feet on the Rock of Ages for HE shall not be moved. Have you come into the King’s chamber? It’s my prayer that the song below is an encouragement to your heart while you sit at HIS feet?

Oh to be in Your presence, sitting at Your feet And to know that when You’re with me, my joy will be complete Just to feel Your tender touch divine, To know I’m Yours and You are mine In Your presence Lord, Is where I want to be.

May the cares of this world not find you today, for you have slipped away to be with your King.

Bro. Lawrence Longworth Isaiah 61:1 “the opening of the prison to them that are bound;”

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