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Feb. 16 Devotion: God Provides Answers

Josh Richardson

God Provides Answers

Luke 2:47

And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.

Most times I read this verse my mind immediately puts myself in this situation. Have you ever stopped and thought about what it would’ve been like to sit around a young Jesus here and just listen to Him. It’s talking about the doctors of the time that were astounded by his understanding and answers. I’m thankful the Lord provides answers for us! Those answers might not come quickly, and they might not be the answer WE want, but He does provide answers. How do we get these?

We have to pray. Yes the Lord knows what we stand in need of and knows when we need an answer of some sort in our life. We need to seek Him if we want His answer.

We have to be patient. We live in such a “fast food” society that we always want our answers immediately. Those of you who are in our church may remember years ago we had some totes in our church and we’d place things in it we would pray for. I remember placing an empty sheet of paper in that and signing it. Praying God would show me what He wanted to use me for and what His will is for my life. He answered that for me over time. He eventually gave me peace about what He'd have me do. It might be something we have to pray for for years, but if we just trust Him the answer will come.

We can’t be picky. It’s not about the answer we WANT, but about the answer He GIVES! Have you ever had God give you peace about a decision, but did the opposite because you didn’t like what He was speaking to your heart about. This is what too often gets us in trouble. We go to Him for an answer and then don’t want to listen if it’s not what we want to hear. Think of your kids that had dad tell them no so they went and asked mom or vice versa. We don’t get the answer we want so we just do it our own way. That’s how we get ourselves in trouble.

Whatever it is your facing today God will provide the answer He knows best for you. Just seek and trust Him!

God bless you today!

Bro. Josh Richardson



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