Compel Them To Come In
Luke 14:16 Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:
Luke 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
Imagine standing outside a restaurant. It might be a place you’ve never been so you are a little hesitant to try. You might have even been to this restaurant in a different location, and it just wasn’t good. Then someone walks out and tries to get you to come in. You still might not want to, but then they begin to tell you how wonderful the food was that they just had. Not only the main entree, but the dessert was so good it just felt as if it melted in their mouth. Was all the best tasting stuff they’d ever had. They are miserable cause they’ve just eaten way too much. Would that compel you to come in? Would that cause you to have a desire to go in and experience it for yourself? What about church? There is a lost world desiring something. Some may have even been in church, and for whatever reason have gotten out. Do we do anything that would bade them to come in? Are the pews still empty and we can’t compel anyone to come? What’s our countenance like on a Monday morning? Does it show that we’ve been with the Lord over the weekend? Do we talk glowingly about how wonderful it was to be in Gods House over the weekend? We can invite all we want. However, if our actions don’t speak to how wonderful church is then it’s not getting anyone to come. Had that person in my illustration had walked out of that restaurant sick then no way you would’ve went in. If we act and seem just as miserable as the world then why would they want to come? Does your talk and actions lead people to the church or away from it?
God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson