2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
If you have kids then you’ll know the situation I’m about to describe. If not then you’ll gain a little insight on wha5 it can be like sometimes. There are many times you’ll have one of your kids come to you and ask for something. This obviously garners a lot of responses. Yes, no, I don’t care, it’s up to the other (mom or dad), etc. If the answer is yes then that typically ends the situation. However, any other response a lot of times will send them to the other parents. Sometimes you might have told them to do such a thing. Sometimes though your answer might’ve been no, but because you don’t like that answer they get it in their head that they will go ask the other parent in hopes of getting a different response. There are times that strategy will work for them. They will then get the answer they want so they will then go with that response. They choose who the want to be obedient to. How often are we that way with Christ? We live in a day and age the Bible tells us about where the world calls that which is evil good, and that which is good evil. Are we still willing to be obedient to what the Bible says or are we ok with certain things that the world says is ok? How often do we rationalize things in our minds, and are more obedient to that than what God says? How often are we more obedient to our feelings over what God says? How much more obedient are we to the path we think we can see rather than being faithful to the path God will lead us down? We are often obedient to others, the world, and our own thought. How obedient are we to Christ?
God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson