Why So Stubborn?
Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
How often have you ever looked at someone else and wonder why can’t you just listen? Wonder why can’t they just do what’s right? It might be watching kids that aren’t listening or someone struggling with addictions. How often could the Lord look at our own lives and wonder the same thing. We have so many people that are always so anxious. Some that are always on edge. You have some that are always so worried about any and everything. It seems that so many have no rest, and have no peace of mind. Why? I think it all sums it up at the end of the verse. “We will not walk therein.” This verse doesn’t say we won’t still face things, but it does tell us we can find rest. Unfortunately, I’m afraid we choose not to walk therein just based off our stubbornness. Maybe you think you know better. It could be that it’s a lack of faith, it’s easier to just do what you think is right because you can see it right in front of you. It could also be possible you just refuse to do what God says just cause you can. We know Jeremiah spent years trying to reach his people to no avail. They just refused to listen. We look around today and we see so much wickedness at every turn. We have a Bible that tells us this is all going to take place. We have a Bible that lets us know how bad things are going to get still. Do these things make you look forward how close the Lords return is, or do you look around and get anxious. Do you look around and get worried? There’s a good way to stand and walk that will give us rest. There’s also a stubborn refusal that will lead to worry and anxiousness. Which do you choose today?
God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson