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Jul 4 Devotion: The Reason We Serve

23).  And whatever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;  24).  Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.


In His Word, God commands us to serve one another. However, there will inevitably be difficult people in life who make this mandate challenging.

Thankfully, a biblical definition of service can help us obey the Lord’s instruction, no matter who the recipient may be. And the reason is that God is actually the One whom we serve.

When we have this motivation underlying everything we do, it will impact the quality of our work and keep us from becoming discouraged. Then, whatever our task–whether we lead a country, teach children, or do something that seems unattractive–if our goal is to glorify God, we will do our best in His strength. And we trust Him to use us for His purposes, even if our labor should appear fruitless to us or to others.

Allow the Lord to impress upon your heart that no job or task is too small, because you are serving Jesus. As this truth becomes better understood, waking up and working virtually any task for Him is purposeful and doable.

Whomever God calls us to serve, and whatever He tells us to do, we can obey with joyful hearts when it’s done for Jesus. If this is our motivation, we won’t need worldly approval or evidence of impact. We need to know only that God is pleased and promises to reward those who serve Him!



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