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July 11 Devotion: The Only Way

Adrian Moore

2 Corinthians 4:5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.


I chose this verse as my life verse many years ago. It speaks volumes about what my life should be like. I was called to preach 40 years ago, and the message has never been about me, nor should it be. What do I have to offer? All I am is a sinner saved by grace. I can’t save anyone else. I can’t change anyone else. But I can tell them about the one who can. So, I preach Jesus Christ the Lord as the only hope and the only way.


What I can be is a servant and show the world how Jesus can change a life. I can represent Jesus Christ in this world and try to be a help and blessing to those around me. Jesus showed us the way by his service to man. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. He came to be the sacrifice for sin and pay the price with his own blood. His example of service to man should be our example to follow. He gave of himself, and we should do the same. Serving mankind by living for Jesus’ sake is the highest of callings. To be counted among the faithful followers of the Lord is a high honor and privilege. Let us serve the Lord with gladness.


Now, let us ask the question that demands an answer. Is my life about Jesus Christ or is it about me? Are we showing forth Jesus as the answer to life’s difficulties and the answer for eternity to come or are we living simply for now and what we can gain for ourselves? Jesus is the answer, and our life can have no higher purpose than to serve him. His way is the only way that carries eternal weight and value.

In Christ's Service,

Bro. Adrian Moore

2 Cor. 4:5


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