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Writer's pictureImmanuel Baptist Church

July 17 Devotion: Caring For Your Spiritual Appearance

Caring For Your Spiritual Appearance

1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

Watering our yards, weeding our gardens, pruning trees and bushes. All things we will do to keep the appearance of our property looking good. Dieting, tanning, working out, and taking vitamins. Those are some of the things we will do to keep our own appearance looking good. We don’t always just do these things for others. These are also things we will do for our selves. Some may make us feel better about ourselves, and some may just give us a sense of accomplishment. All of them though do take time. What about your spiritual well being? How much time do we spend daily on that. With the state of our society it can be very easy to look at this world and get defeated or depressed. The devil is constantly fighting to keep Gods people from having peace and being a testimony to others about how good God is. Do you desire the milk of His word? Have you moved on to the meat? Do you desire His presence in your prayer life? Do you desire His presence in your study? When you think back over this past week how much time have you devoted to the appearance of other things around you and or just your appearance in general? Compare that to how much time you’ve spent on your spiritual well being and the appearance of your heart to God. If you recall on Monday we discussed how God is looking on our heart. So have you spent as much time this past week on that appearance as you have other things around you? If we desire to have that peace that “passeth all understanding” then we need to spend more time on that inner appearance. When we do that it will still show outwardly!

God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson


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