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July 31 Devotion: 20/20 Vision

1 Corinthians 13: 9, 10 & 12

“9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

In Verse 9, the Apostle Paul speaks of the content of the preaching (prophesying) that he, the other 11 apostles, and those trained up to be pastors (bishops) preached at the time that Paul wrote this letter to the church at Corinth. Paul knew that the scriptures were not yet fulfilled. The spirit certainly had more for Paul to pen, not to mention the other books that followed his epistles penned by others. He, and the other preachers of the day, in faith, preached what God had delivered unto them to that point knowing that God, by the Spirit, would supply them with the whole council of God in time.

Verse 10 speaks to apostolic gifts (healing, speaking in tongues, prophetic dreams, etc.). That perfect thing which the early church waited upon was he completed scripture, which came with the final revelation that God gave to the apostle John to pen to the seven churches in Asia. After that point there was no longer a need for signs and wonders as the completed scriptures possessed all the power necessary to convict unbelievers of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Verse 12 is where our thought for today’s devotion resides. “For now we see through a glass, darkly;” is speaking of the moment that Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write this letter to church. God was in the process of issuing the complete Word of God, and as such the early church yet had many doctrines to learn of God that were not yet written. Go and study out the transformation of salvation throughout the book of Acts for one such example of how the doctrine of receiving the Holy Ghost changed in the early church. Today, we need not have anyone lay hands upon a believer in order for them to receive the Holy Spirit, but at that time they did. There were many things that the believers wished to have answered, as if they were peering through a fogged over window pane, but Paul knew that although at that moment all things were not clear that God would soon make all scripture and instruction known. Thus his statement, “now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” This context of knowing as also he is known speaks to understanding the instructions of God as clearly as knowing someone else that you meet in the flesh. In other words, as plainly and obvious as an old friend standing right in front of you.

With the context fully established, I draw your attention to the part of the verse which we have left for last, “but then face to face:” The early church were patiently waiting for those men chosen of God to be used as pens to write the completed Word. They would receive the Word on parchment sent via couriers, they were receiving parts of the whole. But Paul tells them, once their faith was rewarded with the full text of God, they would understand the scriptures as if face to face with the author of the Scriptures.

So would they know the scriptures as if face to face with Paul, Peter, Jude or John? No, for Paul included himself in the group that awaiting the scriptures when he stated, “For now WEsee …” Paul was saying that once the completed Word of God was given to the churches, they would have no need to wait upon someone else to deliver the message for God because you could read he Word and come face to face with the Author, Jehovah God.

Certainly, God would still use His chosen servants to lead the people of God as Pastors and preach to them the present will of God. However, the instructions for living a life pleasing unto God were laid out for the believer to read as if God was speaking the words to you face to face. The Spirit discerns the Scriptures for us and then illuminates the pages as if they were written solely for us as individuals (because they were). If you were the only one to ever be saved, God would have still penned the Bible solely for you so that you could read it and come face to face with God through a crystal clear piece of glass.

Without doubt, there is much that has yet to be revealed, that half that has never been told. But what is contained in that half, as well as all the mysteries of God that will be made know to us in Heaven, are not required for us to live a profitable life to God. I don’t understand how the sun produces the heat that warms the Earths, yet the sun still does because God wills it to be so. I don’t understand many things about God, His plan, His methods, and more, yet He has given me all I need to know Him and His salvation. Further, God has given me all I need, through the Word, to be equipped as a faithful soldier to stand against the world, and my flesh, and carry my cross after Jesus Christ. Better still, He left such instructions and commandments in a book that reveals such truths to me in such a way as if God personally came down and spoke the words to me personally.

Such as realization should spark a fire to live in the pages of God’s book, for it is there that we will find His face if we truly desire to seek it.

Your fellowservant in Christ,

Bro. Jordan Foster


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