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July 5 Devotion: Your Weight

Writer's picture: Immanuel Baptist ChurchImmanuel Baptist Church

Your Weight

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Most all of us have had a time in our lives that we wanted to lose weight. We just aren’t happy with our physical appearance and search out ways to get rid of that extra weight. Most of the preaching I’ve heard from this verse has been focused with the cloud of witnesses, sin, or a race. Today I want to look at our “weight.” What are the weights in your life? Weight doesn’t have to necessarily be sin. Those weights are anything that hinders our growth in Christ. Those hindrances typically start in our heart. It can be a hobby, our job, a possession, etc. Those things all have their place, but once they take too big a place in our heart they become a weight in our life. Anything that hinders our spiritual growth or our relationship with Christ it is a weight in our life that we don’t need. Ask God today to examine your heart for those weights that you need to get rid of in order to strengthen your relationship with Him.

God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson


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