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Writer's pictureImmanuel Baptist Church

Jun 30 Devotion: Does Hell Know Your Name?

Acts 19:15- And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?

Satan is the god of this world and the prince and power of the air. He has an army of devils who aid him in causing debauchery and destruction throughout this world. The only hindrance to his reign of terror and anarchy is the presence of the Holy Ghost in this world and God’s people. The reason he fights so hard against the Saints of God is to deter us from getting the gospel out so more sinners can be saved. Make no mistake; the forces of Hell are well aware of who belongs to God!

*Does Hell Know Your Name?

*Hell only recognizes you because of your…

1. Atonement! (Salvation by the Blood of Jesus!)

2. Authority! Acts 19:8-10

3. Activity! Acts 19:11-12

4. Application! (obedience)

5. Attachments!

*such as your…

-Walk with Jesus

-Willingness to pray

-Work of faith

-Withstanding resolve

6. Aspirations!


-Serving Jesus

-Seeking Jesus

-Sharing Jesus

*It doesn’t matter that Hell knows my name because Jesus knows it and Hell must contend with Him!

-Pastor Doug Foster


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