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Writer's pictureImmanuel Baptist Church

June 27 Devotion: They Are God’s

Daniel 2:20 “Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his:

Just before this verse, Daniel had received a promise of death (along with the rest of those with mysterious gifts) if someone could not tell the king the meaning of the dream which troubled him. Daniel arose, went to his friends (the same Hebrew children whom later would be cast in the fire) and they prayed to God for an answer.

Daniel’s praise in this verse means that he will live because God answered. His praise is not just of fact, but pure happiness. He is saying, “Because my God is the one with wisdom and might, I will live to see another day.”

But what struck me, is how Daniel received the knowledge and gift of God.

First, he knew what he would do. Daniel received dire news … and knew he would call on God. Why? Because no matter the issue, Daniel had faith that his God of wisdom and might could handle it, just as He had handled all Daniel’s needs as a slave of a foreign empire.

Next, he gathered spiritual friends. When things get rough, when news is heartbreaking, when my strength may not be enough … praise God for spiritual friends in the church. Daniel said, I know if my prayer fails that these three will surely reach God with their prayers. You can never go wrong with asking someone who walks with God for assistance when your burden proves extra taxing.

Finally, Daniel waited. They prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and kept praying until they received an answer. They did not quit until they heard from Heaven. Those that wait upon the Lord renew their strength. These four were purposes to wait on the Lord and listen for the still small voice.

Daniel did it right, just like he did for all his life. He learned that God hears and answers prayer. He also saw, when God answered, that our Lord has all wisdom and all might. Daniel was just as excited that he was able to witness the majesty of God as he was that God answered his prayer. Every answered prayer is a chance to admire the handiwork of the Almighty and praise God for the miraculous ways in which He works.

Your fellowservant in Christ,

Bro. Jordan Foster


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