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Mar 2 Devotion: Filled With Blessings, Yet Forgetting God


Text: Hosea 13:5-6

[5] I did know thee in the wilderness, in the land of great drought.

[6] According to their pasture, so were they filled; they were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten me.

In our text today, we see the children of Israel had been blessed, the Lord prospered them; they were filled, and then their hearts were exalted and they FORGOT GOD. Pride is not a subject many are comfortable discussing with one another, yet pride is the most hidden sin of all among God’s children. We excuse it away with comments like: “well God wants my best” or “I have to look good because I’m created in the image of God”. While it’s true God does want our best and we were created in His image, the truth is: a haughty heart God will despise. Pride in our heart will rob us of intimacy with God and HE will have to take us out into the desert to remove it from our lives.

My Christian friend, pride is not easily removed, and it will not leave in those seasons where our lives are plentiful and easy. Pride is vanquished only in the wilderness, when it’s just you and God among the thorns, beside the dried up cisterns. It’s there in the hour of your greatest need that pride will be stripped away and your need for God will emerge and you will thirst ONLY FOR HIM! Hallelujah! How priceless are these wilderness times alone with the Lord; they are immeasurable in our walk with God.

Wilderness journeys are seasons in which God so arranges our life so that we will have to depend upon HIM completely if we’re going to make it. These seasons of growing are often painful, trying our faith bringing us all the way to our knees.But, it’s here in the barren dry dessert places that God will cause our souls to thirst for the living waters that only HE can give; and here in the trial (in the valley) out of our thirst, God will teach us to drink and desire more of HIM!

This is what God has done in the lives of HIS people for thousands of years. When Israel had their green pastures they became satisfied and with contentment came a proud heart; the proud heart will forget God, EVERY TIME! It is those with a humble heart that remember WHO GOD IS for they are needy, they are thirsty. Pride is washed away with a humble spirit and a thirst for God. It is my prayer today that in God’s goodness and blessings, that we do NOT FORGET HIM. Lord help us to stay humble, that YOU alone would be exalted, and keep us thirsty to see your great power and direction in our lives!

Bro. Lawrence Longworth

Isaiah 61:1 “the opening of the prison to them that are bound;”


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