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Mar.24 Devotion:Finding Treasure in the Darkness


Isaiah 45:1-3 Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him;

[2] I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:

[3] And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord , which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.

Times of darkness in our lives often captivate our minds with fear, overshadowing our hearts with despair. There are times when situations rob our faith like a thief in the night plaguing our thoughts with doubt. Our eyes were created to give us sight, but we are to walk this path with Jesus by faith not sight. It’s difficult to trust when you cannot see what’s ahead or what’s happening around you in the spiritual realm. God understands every emotion, every concern and although our surroundings and the outcome may be hidden from our view, they are never hidden from HIS! Praise HIS Name! Our God is steady at HIS post, on HIS Throne, and HE never waivers from HIS duties as a Father.

I recently read about a group of students who had gone deep into some caves for exploration as part of a class assignment given to them by their professor. They were to dig around until they unearthed something from the cavern that they could bring back to class in order to study them. They had very limited light and were on a strict time schedule once inside the cave because of lights and weather conditions outside the cave. The students were finding artifacts left and right, soon leaving only a handful of students left digging. One student in particular could not find anything of interest and his light was fading quickly.

The professor was calling time and gave the students only a few minutes to gather their things and exit the cave. In his panic he began digging around in the dark until he unearthed a hard object, which he believed to be just a rock of some sort. Having no choice but to bring it with him, he quickly stuck it in his backpack and headed out of the cave to rejoin his group. When they returned to class, one by one the students began to show off their great archeological finds with pride. The time came for the young student to stand up and show his rock to the class. He was somewhat embarrassed because of his poor find and apologized to his professor as he held it up for all to see. The professor gasped and said to the young man; “Why son you’ve found no ordinary rock, what you’ve found is a rare gem no doubt that is very valuable”.

It was not until the young man uncovered his find in the light that he realized the treasure that he was given while in the dark. Hallelujah! The treasures that God gives to us in the darkness are not realized until they are brought back into the light. It’s here, in these places of darkness, that HE gives us the greatest treasure known to mankind; KNOWING HIM! Dear Christian friend, intimacy with God is birthed in the night, during the time when it seems that there is only darkness, clouds and storms of life. If you are passing through a valley, and it seems as though everyone has left you all alone and you can NOT see the way, please know that God is unearthing HIS beauty and all HIS blessings that could never be seen in the light. HE has NOT forsaken you. HE knows you by name! Be sensitive to HIM as HE calls you to Himself. It is here that you will FIND TREASURE IN YOUR DARKNESS; treasure that this world can NOT buy and is seemingly hidden to everyone else, but there in your darkness, there HE IS! Here comes Jesus; ALL you will ever need; the Light of the World. You just could not see HIM until HE brought you through the darkness. Today, no matter the trial or how dark it may seem, it’s my prayer you find all the treasure and riches the Lord Jesus has just for you in your time with HIM.

Bro. Lawrence Longworth

Isaiah 61:1 “the opening of the prison to them that are bound;”


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