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Mar. 7 Devotion: Harmless As It Seems

Harmless As It Seems

Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

We started off services yesterday with a song called Nothing Between. The second verse had these words included in it: “Habits of life, though harmless they seem.” While the whole song talks about how we should have nothing between us and God, it was this phrase that really struck me and burdened me about what might be between me and God. Our text verse talks about how our carnal mind is at enmity with God. It’s that carnal mind that will convince us that something is just harmless. We might put off studying or prayer time because something came up that we feel it needs taken care of immediately. Only to then not get back to it. Ever thought that Wednesday night service isn’t that important so you’ll just stay home? How many people have we seen get out of church over time? While there are some that just stop, most of time you see them miss a service here and there. That then becomes more often, and before too long they are out completely. It started with just harmlessly missing a single service in their mind. Too often we think it’s harmless because we don’t see the consequences, nor think there will be consequences. When working 3rd shift I would occasionally go out to get something to eat. Leaving a drive thru one night I got pulled over. When leaving the restaurant you wasn’t supposed to make a left turn onto the main road. I’m sure you wasn’t supposed to because it is a busy 4 lane road. However, I’d made that left turn a couple times because at 4AM it’s not all that busy. It was truly harmless in my mind. Then the next time I did it there was a police officer around the corner that I didn’t know was watching. He pulled me over after the next stop light. Thankfully he didn’t give me a ticket. While it seemed harmless to make this turn at 4AM it was still wrong. That’s the way our mind works at times. If we don’t see the harm or consequences right in front of us we have a tendency to look at things as harmless. What is in our lives that we think is harmless? How many “habits” do we have that we think are harmless, but keep us from having the walk with the Lord that we should have?

God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson


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