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Mar. 8 Devotion: Quenched Yet?

Josh Richardson

Quenched Yet?

1 Thessalonians 5:19

Quench not the Spirit.

The word quench is found a dozen times in your Bible. When we think of quench we typically think of putting out something or stopping something. It also can mean to destroy or to still or quiet something. There are times when things need to be quenched. Think of a nice big glass of ice water in a hot day. That would be great to quench your thirst. I’ll think of a pb&j sandwich to try to quench my sweet tooth for a moment. How often though do we find ourselves quenching the things of God? A word not fitly spoken can cause all kinds of issues including quenching someone’s desire to see God do something. It can discourage someone. We can also allow the weight of this world to quench our desires to see God move. We just came out of a great meeting revolving around the Great Commission. Hopefully, it led to us all having a greater burden to see souls saved and see them get in church and allow God to change their lives. How big of a burden it gave you I’d say can be determined on what it would take to quench that desire to see God move. Too often we come out of great meetings and we are ready to see God move. Then a couple days of “life” go by and we’ve already allowed that desire to be quenched a little. We go to church the next time and if nothing happens it doesn’t bother us. Then before you know it a week or so has gone by and you don’t even give that desire a second thought. Our text verse talks about not quenching the Spirit! Don’t allow your own spirit to be quenched by the things of this world. Let’s all keep that fire to see God move and watch what God can do in our church!

God bless you today!

Bro. Josh Richardson



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