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March 15 Devotion: More Mature By Now?

Josh Richardson

More Mature By Now?

1 Peter 2:2

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

Last weekend we were in discussions about ordering something. It was going to take 4 months to get this item in which would put it arriving around my birthday. That led me to thinking about how old I would be. Which then led to me making the comment to myself sarcastically, shouldn’t I be more mature by now? That personal maturity has a lot of factors. Your environment, your decisions and where they take you, etc. It comes down to the individual. You can’t make someone more mature if they choose not to.

It’s the same way when it comes to our spirituality and our Christian walk. You can’t sit in church every service and listen to preaching and become as mature as God would want you to be. It’s a great thing to listen to preaching and be in church, but that shouldn’t be all the Word of God we get. How much desire for the Word do you have outside of church? How much desire do you have for the things of God in general outside of church? Do you read other books to help you grow? Do you truly study the Word to help you grow? Our growth and maturity as Christians is not anyone’s responsibility but our own.

We’ve heard people talked about how they are so mature for their age when it comes to this physical world. I’ve heard the same thing said about some who have gotten saved and just truly desire to grow right away. Think about how long you’ve been in church and how long you’ve been saved. Where are you currently in that walk and should you be more mature by now than you are?

God bless you today!

Bro. Josh Richardson


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