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May 1 Devotion: Giving God More Room

Jordan Foster

John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease."

This is certainly one of the most popular quotations of John the Baptist. Yet, in the one line John addresses everything it takes to increase and maintain your spirituality into 7 words.

God is omnipresent, the earth is His footstool, and all the waters of the Earth can fit into the crevices of His hand. He is so much larger than we can even comprehend! So how can God increase? John does not speak of physical size, but refers to the presence of God increasing in our lives.

How much of a presence does God have in your heart, soul and mind? How much room have you cleared for Him? Do we really strive to consolidate our sense of self so that God can increase within us?

If We truly want God to increase in our life we must utilize the following tools from the Word of God:

1). We must Pray without Ceasing- How can God increase in our lives if we cut off the chance for God to us at all? Always be listening and you'll find the He is always waiting to communicate.

2). We must Practice constant Discernment- What good is constant communication with God if we disregard His will by asserting our rationalizations and making the choice WE think is best? Learn to fully rely upon His instructions by discerning what He would have us do.

3). Perfecting Humility- it's easy to wait on the Lord, heed His instruction, and constantly converse with Him when you realize that He is the Almighty God Jehovah! My life is but a vapor, I am merely clay. Yet He knew me in the womb and, as the Potter, He can mold and make me into a vessel of honor fit for his use.

Each morning we should purpose to make more room for God within ourselves. Don't rely on instincts, habits and logic to make the decisions of your life. Instead full rely upon the Chief Sheppard to guide you by still waters and make you lie down in green pastures. You can never ask, "Lord, what would you have me do?" too many times in one day.

Your fellowservant in Christ,

Bro. Jordan Foster



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