Psalms 130:5 – “I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.”
Troubles, temptation, uncertainty, and stresses can cause us to make a mess of our lives. The things which arise out of, or cause, these moments in our life are not the real danger. Instead, it is our reaction to these events that make all the difference. We, and our God given free will, are the thing which cement our success our ruin. The world, the saints, or any other power have no control over us because we were bought by God with the blood of Jesus.
Being God’s means that he is now responsible for what can and cannot enter our lives. He chooses to handle those things too high or strong for us and allows us to experience what He knows we have been equipped for. If it occurs in my life, God has ordained the experience and, thus, God has a desired outcome for the situation.
The questions, then, are: how do we know the correct decision to make; when do we make known our choice; and, how do we implement that act of will in such a many to please our Heavenly Father? Should I endure hardness as a good soldier of Christ? Should I journey to a strange land in order to sojourn? Do I seek shelter and safety in caves where the enemy will not follow? Might I confront the events and see God’s hand of deliverance work in miraculous ways?
In each situation, the answer will be different. But those that live in accordance with God’s will, regardless of the situation or what we must do to follow God’s will, will see the same outcome. God’s will being accomplished in our lives. That should be enough; but, because we serve a good and gracious God, we are likely to experience choice blessing in addition to His approval.
So, what do I do? God is faithful to lead if we are purposed to follow. The sheep may know that a wolf is near, but so long as the shepherd does not instruct the sheep to move it will lay at the feet of the shepherd. Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Those that trust in His omniscience and omnipotence are never disappointed. Those that only act when He gives command are kept closest to the Master.
Waiting for the will of God to be revealed, made manifest, and then be accomplished can be strenuous and uncomfortable to the flesh. Our souls can become restless and anxious. Thankfully, the Lord preserved His living word as a testament of all the reasons to trust and wait upon Him. Our hope is fixed in who He is, not in what we experience. Our faith is anchored in His holiness and not in our circumstance. The Bible is the both the catalyst and fuel that sparked our faith and will keep it burning strongly. To forsake the precious words of the Almighty is to surrender our future to the inadequacies of our own knowledge, power and abilities.
I am not enough, but He is, always has been and always will be. I don’t know what to do, when to do it, or how best to do it; but, He will show me all such things if I abide faithfully at His side.
The present may be the worst it has ever been, another day of struggle and strife, a test of resilience, or a crisis which we never imagined possible. Yet, God surely has a plan that is too high for us, and His ways are beyond finding out. The Bible does say, after all, this too shall pass. The only thing that isn’t certain is how we will choose to react to the events God has allowed into our life.
Your fellowservant in Christ, Bro. Jordan Foster