Resolute Christians
Daniel 6:10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime.
Purposeful. Determined. Those are just a couple words used to define resolute. Daniel was determined. Daniel wasn’t doing this to show up the king, he wasn’t praying to just go against the newly signed decree. He was praying and giving thanks just as he had done many times before. No matter what decree was signed, no matter what the consequences, Daniel was resolute in his devotion to God. How resolute are we in our Christian lives? How determined are we to live for God? Sometimes it can be tough. Life can be overwhelming at times. There can be time that it feels as if everything we touch falls apart. Things start breaking down, plans begin to go awry, and just seems that everything goes wrong. Those can be the times it will take great determination to serve God. It can be easy to say that those are the times that we need to trust God to work through those things. That is true, however, it’s very easy to try to accomplish things on our own and slowly get away from God. Have you ever had a busy day, a couple things go wrong, and before you know it you are at the end of the day and as you look back you find that you spent little time with God? The other word it used was purposeful. How purposeful are we in our time with God? It might take us turning off our phones, getting somewhere quiet so nothing can distract us. Serving God purposefully boils down to us making sure we spend time with Him on a daily basis regardless of our circumstances. I’m afraid today we have too many reserved Christian’s rather than resolute Christian’s. Reserved meaning they just aren’t sold out to God. If they’re to busy to read His Word today then so be it. If life gets in the way of attending church then that’s ok as well. God just isn’t that important in their lives. I honestly wonder how you could have that type of attitude towards God but some sure do. As we get closer to Jesus’s return are you more of a resolute Christian or a reserved Christian? It should be our desire to be resolute in our worship and service to our wonderful Saviour!!
God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson