Jer. 20:7-9, Ii Cor. 4:1-18, Ii Tim. 4:6-8
Def. of quit-to stop, cease, discontinue, to depart from,
leave, to give up or resign, let go, to cease from doing
Something, to stop trying
Many are quitting today. Walking away from the old paths. Many have the idea of “what’s the use? Losing the battle”
Reasons Not To Quit
The lives gone on before us.
The little ones coming after us.
The labors that have been put forth in the past and present.
The love the Lord shows us.
The list that needs to be reached.
In closing-Eph. 6:9- And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not
-Bro. Mike Goodson