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May 22 Devotion: Are You Growing?

Are You Growing?

1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

At the end of our ladies service at jail we had a lady that asked us for one of our King James Bibles. That offered us the opportunity to explain a few of the differences and why we use the only true Bible there is. We also explained that there will be times you might read something and not fully comprehend what’s going on in a certain chapter or verse. It’s those times we told them you have to rightly divide, and seek God and ask God to reveal some things to you. It’s these times that will help us grow in the Lord. I have just a simple question for you then today. Are you growing? Are you still on the milk like a newborn babe or have you graduated into something more sustainable? It’s great to know all the stories the kids learned about in Sunday School, but do you know much more beyond that? How much of the Bible do you know? How much time do you invest in learning more about Gods Word? We should not still be in the same place we were when we got saved. We also should not be getting all our knowledge strictly from church. It should be our desire to want to grow and to learn more about the Lord. The more we know and grow the more confident we will be in sharing the Gospel with others as well as just talking with others about the Bible. Whether you’ve been saved 5 weeks, 5 years or 5 decades, have you grown in the Lord from where you were at that point?

God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson


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