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Writer's pictureImmanuel Baptist Church

May 31 Devotion: He Went Anyway

He Went Anyway

John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

While at work each day I spend a lot of time listening to various podcasts. One of them is put out by former NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. Over the past month during each podcast they have told a story of a fallen soldier. Each year for the Coca-Cola 600 his 88 car would carry the name of fallen soldiers. Now that he has his own podcast they told the story of the one that would be on the car for this past weekend. This soldiers story was shared by his 2 sisters. He was a Navy Seal that died when his helicopter was shot down and he was one of 31 that lost their lives that day. One of the things that stood out to me was that his sister said that she knows her brother went to die for his country. She said even if he had known when they shut the door that day that he wouldn’t return, he would’ve still went!

Think about that for a moment when it comes to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! He knew those that would beat him, spit in his face, ridicule him. He knew the times that people would not be interested in him. He knew the times we would let him down even after we are saved. Knowing all that, he went to the cross and finished anyway what he was sent to do.

All because He went anyway:

-We have a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

-We have peace that passeth all understanding.

-We have scriptures to help guide us.

-We really get to go to Heaven!!

I could go on and on, but praise God today for all the blessings we have because Jesus went anyway!

God bless you today!

Bro. Josh Richardson


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