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Nov 17 Devotion: Undisputedly Valuable

Titus 2:15 -“These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.”

The entirety of the chapter preceding this verse deals with exercising our reign over our flesh as a king. Each verse, though they can be divided into different groups that were addressed, deals with suppressing the carnal man and allowing the new man to live in its stead.

The purpose for this charge to live godly is found in the last verse of the chapter, our text for today’s devotion. “Let no man despise thee.” Despise is defined as finding no value in something. In other words, you see something that’s worthless and you right is off as junk. No Christian should ever be viewed by the world as junk or worthless.

When we crucify the flesh, don humility, and discern the directing of God, we are allowing Christ to live in us. No one, seeing Christ living in us; can write us off as worthless. Who can condemn charity, good fidelity, righteousness, sobriety, sound speech, and good works? (Just to name a few things mentioned in this chapter.) What boss would say that his most faithful employee is worthless? What friend would write off the one that shows them the love of God?

If Christ liveth in you, as the Apostle Paul wrote, and you have died to the flesh then no one can say that you have no value. In fact, when you endure hardness as a soldier of Christ, those that value your good works are more apt to inquire as to what makes you something peculiar.

God certainly does not despise His children, but so often His children let them world despise them. How can we reach a world that thinks there’s nothing of value in the way which we live? How will they see something valuable if my flesh is allowed to live carnally because it is not subdued by spirituality? How will others take note if I do not submit to living the blessed life of a Christian?

For far too long, Christians have sequestered themselves away from the world and have pronounced that they don’t care what the world may think of them. Yet, Christ sought out sinners and the needy so that they could see His value. Don’t let the world’s opinion of you supersede the place of what God says, but strive to bring glory to the name of Jesus and the world will take note that you are different.

Your fellowservant in Christ, Bro. Jordan Foster


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