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Nov. 18 Devotion: Spoiled Brats?

Spoiled Brats?

Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Have you ever been walking through a store and see a kid throwing a fit because there is something they are wanting and mom or dad has told them no? You ever seen one of those tantrums get bad enough that you personally want to just pick the kid up and spank them yourself. I’m not saying this is always the case, but in most of my experiences this happens because that child has rarely been told no. There is also a chance that if they’ve been told no before they had this exact type of tamtrum and the parent then gave in. Upon seeing this we would say that kid is just a spoiled brat. Looking at our text verse we find that the people were not bringing their tithes the way they should have. If you go back a couple verses it even talks about them robbing God. In verse 10 it’s telling them to bring all their tithes and see if he won’t open the windows of heaven and pour them out a blessing. We are a blessed people. It feels at times like God has that window opened and just never stops pouring. Not only are our needs met, but more often than not He blesses us with our wants as well. Just speaking for myself I can say I’m blessed far greater than I deserve. I don’t understand why God is so good to me. I believe we could all say God has blessed us far more than we could ever imagine. Why then can we find ourselves acting like a spoiled brat like the kid I used in the illustration? Why do we find ourselves pitching a fit when something don’t go our way? How many times do we get all bent out of shape over something small and unimportant when it doesn’t go our way? I’ve seen people get mad at others and stop talking sometimes over something small. Seen people lose their mind over a store being out of something. We sometimes seem to ast as if we are entitled to whatever it is that we want. I’ve seen just as many adult temper tantrums as kid ones. Next time you find yourself not getting your way ask yourself if you’re acting like a spoiled brat?

God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson


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