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Nov. 24 Devotion: Lost It’s Luster?

Writer's picture: Immanuel Baptist ChurchImmanuel Baptist Church

Lost It’s Luster?

Acts 3:8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

We were shopping this week and got into a conversation with a lady working in a store about Black Friday. It came up about how much it has changed through the years. I remember many years thumbing through the ads and having a plan on what stores you’d try to hit. Then it went to having to go out on Thanksgiving night. You don’t have to go out on Thursday evening anymore it still just isn’t the same. Now it’s turned into a whole week almost. It has lost a lot of its luster anymore. Think on our text verse for a moment. This man had been lame since birth and now all of a sudden could walk!! He went into the temple leaping and praising God! Flashback to when you got saved. Did you have that same type of excitement. Do you remember being excited and not being able to wait to tell others? Has that excitement waned now over the years? Have you had it lose some of its luster so to speak? It’s easy to get stuck in a rut of the same old routine everyday and lose sight of all He has done for you. Sometimes we can get so focused on our problems that we lose sight of our blessings. It could be you’ve gotten caught up in becoming very weary in well doing and taken your eyes off just what Jesus did for us on the cross. If any of these has caused you to think salvation has lost its luster any at all for you I’d challenge you to do something. Sit down and just start writing out some of your blessings. We just had thanksgiving so I’d be willing to guess most of us realized even yesterday that we have so much to be thankful for! If you’d take time to write them down I’d venture to say you won’t get far until you remember all God has blessed you with and you also just might come into the sanctuary leaping and praising Him this upcoming Lord’s day! The Lord daily loads us with blessings so don’t let the world or anything else steal your joy in being saved. Don’t let it lose its luster in you life!


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