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Oct 23 Devotion: Faithfulness Is Success

Faithfulness Is Success

1 Corinthians 4:2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

We live in results driven world. People will look at others as being successful if they have money, a bunch of toys, vacation homes, a big fancy title, etc. Unfortunately, that has bled over into our workings for God. It’s easy to feel as if we aren’t accomplishing anything for God when we don’t see results. It doesn’t say here we are to get results. It just tells us to be faithful. Faithful in our attendance, faithful in our prayer and study time, faithful in His personal will for your life. Faithful in all things pertaining to Him! Think about Jeremiah. Forty years of preaching and we don’t find a single person who turned to God. Yes, he had times he was discouraged, but he tells us how he couldn’t quit in Jeremiah 20:9. Do we have that same type of fire inside us when it comes to the things of God, or do we get too discouraged if we don’t see fruit on our own timetable? Any fruit we do have is of the Lords doing. We can’t force things or things would be done for the wrong reasons. You could be a preacher or teacher. Maybe you are someone just trying to be an example to your family or co-workers. Regardless of what it is just remain faithful to those things of God! When we are faithful to what He has for us to do then can we hear “well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Notice it says faithful servant, not successful servant!

God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson


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