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Oct 25 Devotion: Rejoice and Do Good

Ecclesiastes 3:12 “I know there is no good in them, but for man to rejoice, and to do good in his life.”

By this point in the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon has examined all these things that man can do in his life and with his labor. Solomon comes to the conclusion quoted above, that the only good man can do is to rejoice and do good; to do both to show appreciation to God and glorify Him for His mercy toward a sin cursed world.

Today’s devotion deals with that simple observation, Rejoice and Do Good. Man’s works alone are filthy rags and it is natural for man to act selfishly and fleshly (neither of which are good works). Instead would should strive to do as much rejoicing and good works as we can in this life for the Lord’s sake. 1) Rejoice- To be exceedingly glad, to express happiness, to be joyous for one’s lot in life. We are without excuse not to praise the Name of God every moment of the day. We out to ever make know our rejoicing for two reasons: A) God is great and greatly to be praised, and B) The world needs to know that there is a God who bestows joy upon his people, and whose people are glad and thankful for it.

2) Do Good- I can do no good on my own, but when I do as the Lord has commanded, I can do good works. These good works not only impact my current life but also lay up treasures in Heaven. We out to “do good” in these 3 ways as much as we can: A) For the Lord! The fields are white unto harvest and we ought to embody the lifestyle He instructed us to live!; B) For Loves Ones- We should willingly bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Moreover, we should edify the weary, encourage the downtrodden and restore the fallen all for the good of the ministry.; and, C) For the Lost- How will the world know that our faith is more than a system of organized beliefs if we never demonstrate that change that Christ made in us? As Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “let your light so shine” so men see our good deeds and glorify our Father which is in Heaven.

The only things we can take with us to Heaven are the works we have done for the Lord. But the other added benefit of rejoicing and doing good is that we will have a blessed life. If we strive to fill each day with as much rejoicing and good works for the Lord, God would be able to use us to turn this world upside down. So Rejoice and be glad in the privilege to serve the Lord.

Your fellowservant in Christ, Bro. Jordan Foster


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