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Writer's pictureImmanuel Baptist Church

Oct 27 Devotion:They Continued


Acts 2:42-47 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

[43] And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.

[44] And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

[45] And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

[46] And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

[47] Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

I want to share with you exactly what the Lord has placed upon my heart. We have one night of revival left in our meeting at Immanuel Baptist Church, tonight being Friday night. It’s my prayer that the meeting would continue for many weeks to come and we would see a work of God we have never seen in our church and nation. However, if the meeting does not continue each night here at the church, that does not mean it can’t continue within each of us and in our homes and our appointed times here at the church.

Here in our text, we see proof of how the Mighty Hand of God can change everything! Hallelujah! In Acts 2, after the power of God was on display, several thousand were saved and God’s people were forever changed. The move of God did NOT stop when the meeting was over. In verse 42 above, we see…(THEY CONTINUED!) Well Glory!!! They continued preaching, fellowshipping, loving one another, and praying together and enjoying the blessing of being a Christian. Friend, that does something down in my soul! This passage gives me hope and assurance that the Lord is giving us an opportunity with this revival, (TO KEEP IT GOING) till Jesus comes! Notice in our text, fear came upon every soul and they saw many signs and wonders. They were all together in their love for Jesus, and they were in unity as the CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD! They believed God! Christian friend, do you believe God? Do you want to see this revival continue in your heart, home, and church? Do you believe that God can and will save your lost family, friends, loved ones and bring those who are wayward back to the fold? Here in our text, do not underestimate their trust and belief or in another word…THEIR FAITH!

In our meeting this week, just like in our text, we have seen many wonders and miracles from God’s hand. The Holy Spirit has encouraged us each night. We were able to witness God heal and touch sister Lynn and give her back her voice after the church prayed over her. I believe in my heart that was God telling us, this is just the beginning of what I CAN DO if you will just believe and trust in me. We have witnessed many in our church who have been sick with cancer testify to the power of God in their life and give God all the glory. Let us not be blind to what the Lord is doing in our midst and after the meeting forget about what ALL GOD HAS DONE in our church these last few months. Let us not doubt, but believe nothing is impossible with God. Our text today is clear, THEY CONTINUED…they sold their possessions! In other words, they HAD TO PART with some things to have power with God. Maybe the Holy Ghost has spoke to you this week and let you know there are some things you need to part with for God’s power to rest upon you and the church. If we are to continue in a Spirit of Revival and for the workings of God to continue to be on display…without question, we will ALL need to part with some things that are in God’s way. I have often wondered why the Lord had them sell their possessions. It could be because the Lord had to strip them down to nothing, so JESUS could be everything! If the things YOU possess have come to POSSESS you and control you, there must be a parting away from whatever that thing is. Could be a job, something material and of this world, your busy schedule, or something so small or minor in our eyes, but it has become a BIG problem in God’s eyes. After Jesus and HIS great power showed up, THEY CONTINUED! If we are going to continue this revival meeting in our hearts and church, we will have to make a choice for…JESUS and the FIRES OF REVIVAL in our soul…or hanging on to the things we know we need to part with. In view of eternity, we have to ask ourselves….is the thing we are hanging on to really worth it???

Bro. Lawrence Longworth

Isaiah 61:1 “the opening of the prison to them that are bound;”


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