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Sept 12 Devotion: The Furnishings of Faith

Genesis 26:25 – “And he builded an altar there, and called upon the name of the Lord, and pitched his tent there: and there Isaac’s servants digged a well.”

In this verse we find 3 things in the life of Isaac on an altar, tent and a well. These were important in Isaac’s life when God spoke to him in verse 24. These same 3 things are symbolic of what should find their place in our lives as men and women of Faith.

Note These Three Things

  1. An Altar – Speaks of dedication to the will of God.

  2. Altars were places where men offered sacrifices.

  3. Altars were places where men sought the will of God.

  4. A tent speaks of detachment from the ways of man.

  5. Tents are very easily moved – at moment’s notice

  6. Tents speak of separation from pleasures of the world

  7. Tents suggest a detachment from praise of the world.

  8. A well – Speaks of Dependence on the Word of Life

  9.  Note – Psalm 1:1-3, John 15: 1-10

  10. It was dig a well or die

  11. It’s trust His Word or die spiritually.

-Bro. Mike Goodson


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