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Sept 13 Devotion: Always The Same

Always The Same

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

A couple days ago now we had the anniversary of 9/11. I read a lot of different accounts on how people remember that day. Then on a podcast I was listening to yesterday somebody said something that really made me think. If you are around my age or older, then you are one who probably remembers that day very vividly. When the first tower was hit I think most people ,if not all, couldn’t believe a pilot or air traffic controller could make such a mistake. It never entered into our minds that we could be under attack. However, if the same thing was to happen today most everyone’s first thought would be that we are under attack. It’s amazing how things have changed in 18 years. You look around and there are so many things that change, it seems even on a daily basis. Sometimes it’s hard to even keep up with everything that is going on in society with so many changes. We are about to head into an election year, and we’ll have people change their stances on issues on an hourly basis it will seem.

That’s all the more reason to be so thankful that I serve a God that never changes! I don’t have to wonder if the rules change from one day to the next. I don’t have to guess whether or not He loves me each day. I don’t have to go through life worried about losing my salvation. I know that what I read in His Word is absolute! I can know where my relationship with Him is at based on how I live my life, and not have to wonder if He has changed the expectations on my life.

Are you thankful today that we serve a God that never changes?!

God bless you today!

Bro. Josh Richardson


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