“Encourage Someone Today” Galatians 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
All of us have been hurt at some point in our life, by someone, or by an event that has changed the course of our lives. We never know if we may be the person who has the perfect Word from God. Through a phone call, or text, maybe a visit, or a card, or just a personal conversation to show you care. Do not waste the opportunities that God has given to us to express our love for one another. You never know if your loved one, or spouse, or maybe a brother or sister in Christ are up against a mountain of discouragement. Is there someone in your life today that needs to know how much you love them, and how much the God of Heaven loves them? Make the most of the opportunities that the Lord gives you. In your quiet time alone with the Master today, ask HIM, is there someone that I could be a blessing to today? Lord, would you send me to someone that I can minister to today? Heavenly Father, is there anyone that I could encourage today? In your compassion for others, may the Lord encourage and bless you in a special way today!
Bro. Lawrence Longworth
Isaiah 61:1 ”the opening of the prison to them that are bound”