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Aug.16 Devotion: Anything New?

Anything New?

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

New shoes, new clothes, new car, etc. We all like new things. Our text today lays it out pretty plain. If you’ve been saved then you’re a new creature. Those old things you did should have passed away, and been replaced by new things. We live in a society that you hear about a lot of professions of faith, and many people that will call themselves Christians yet there’s nothing new about their life. You don’t see a desire to be in God’s house, you don’t see a desire to want to grow in His Word. Instead you see people walk the same path as always somehow thinking because they’ve said a few words that they are ok. Putting our faith and trust in Jesus Christ doesn’t make us perfect. However, if we’ve asked God to save us and meant it from the heart then there should be some changes. There should be some different and new desires that we now have.

If you can’t go back to a time in your life that you can point to that you repented and turned to Christ then I encourage you to do that today! It will be the best decision you’ve ever made!

If you can go back to that time in your life when He changed you then thank Him today! Thank Him for being such a wonderful and merciful Savior! I’d also encourage you to think about those around you. I’m not asking or suggesting you judge anyone’s heart. We can though think of those that we come in contact with that claim to be saved, but you see no fruit from their lives nor much that would make you think they’ve given their life to Christ. Pray for them today! Pray something would open their eyes and help them realize they can’t put their trust in a repeat after me prayer, or baptism, or even “living right.” They have to be willing to repent and turn and follow Him. Pray they come to that realization.

God bless you today!

Bro. Josh Richardson


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