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Aug. 2 Devotion: Maybe They Don’t Know

Josh Richardson

Maybe They Don’t Know

Matthew 28:19-20

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: [20] Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

A portion of Scripture we are all very familiar with. These are verses that seem to strike some fear into some. How many won’t surrender their will to the Lord because they are afraid God will send them to some third world country. Too often when we think of these verses we put too much focus on the “all nations” part of it. God isn’t calling everyone to some foreign land. He could be calling you to somewhere else in your own country or even your own community. It could be to an even smaller scale and He might just want you to go to your neighbors and tell them. We’re instructed to go. Seek Gods will and where exactly your going might be!

You may ask yourself why this? We all may know this to be the case, but how often do we practice it? This past Sunday at jail I opened the floor up to any questions. The first question was about where are the women in the Bible in Genesis at the beginning outside of Eve. The lady asking the question was probably in her late fifties and had never had a Bible in her hand nor read any of it. Since she was in jail she picked it up and just started reading. Someone right here in our country and had never picked up a Bible. It’s easy to sit back and say it more available here than anywhere so if she hasn’t had one then that’s on her. Let’s not forget the lost don’t see their need to pick it. They don’t know what Jesus can do for them. Sure they may hear mentions of Him from time to time but that doesn’t mean they see the need for the Lord to fill that void in their heart. Never take for granted that just because we live in America that they know about the Lord. It’s very plausible they don’t know. If God opens the door to share the Gospel with someone then just do it. Don’t assume they know about Him because maybe they don’t!

God bless you today!

Bro. Josh Richardson


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